On Saturday, April 30th, 2022, Lightning X organized a company outing for its employees at the 25th Annual Queen’s Cup Steeplechase Silver Jubilee near Charlotte, NC.

The Queen’s Cup is like no other sporting and social event in the Charlotte region. The last Saturday in April in the Piedmont country side each spring is greeted with great anticipation. Thousands come to see some of the most athletic thoroughbreds compete at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour.
The jockeys, dressed in bright colored silks, push their sleek steeds to clear four and a half foot jumps over a two and a quarter to as much as three miles of rolling turf course. The prestige of $200,000 in purse money to the winning owners and the opportunity to bask in the glory of the winner’s circle is what it’s all about from the horse’s connections.
This outing is a great team building event as well as a great opportunity for our employees to get to know each other outside of the 4 walls of the LXP headquarters and production facilities in Charlotte. Employees made a few friendly wagers on each of the four main horse races, with our founder, Andy Spivey taking the pot for the main race, the Queen’s Cup. Check out some race day pictures below. What does your company or department do for team building?